What number or name should I use to uniquely identify each iPad?

There are three different numbers/names you could use, and depending on the purpose, you might want to you one or more.
  • Serial Number: always 12 characters and a mix of letters and numbers. The first four characters will always be letters and the first two letters are almost always DM or GG. The only way to see the serial number on the iPad is to tap Settings, then General, and then About. The serial number is also laser etched on the back of the iPad, but it is VERY small and VERY difficult to read - and if there is a case on the iPad it will most likely be covered. You can search for a device by the serial number in Workspace ONE.
  • Enrollment Name: this is the username that is logged into the Hub app on the iPad. This name was typically chosen by DeSales Media Group and we often use the format xxxx-STUD001 where the xxxx is a three or four letter abbreviation for the location or school. You cannot use an enrollment ID to login to more than one iPad, so every iPad will have its own enrollment ID, but the enrollment ID is not "fixed" to an iPad, so if you do a Device Wipe, you can then use any available enrollment ID to login (but you should always try to use the same one to avoid confusion.) We recommend that you use a label maker to print the enrollment ID and affix it to the front of the iPad, because this is the easiest way to identify an iPad in Workspace ONE. If you ever ask someone at DeSales Media for help troubleshooting something on an iPad, usually the first thing we need to know is the enrollment ID. If you do not know the enrollment ID of an iPad, just open the Hub app and you will see it at the top.
  • Asset Tag: there will be a sticker on the back of all iPads which say "Property of DeSales Media ####-#####". We have used a few different formats over the years, but the first four characters are typically the year and there might be a letter in it also. The asset tag is unique to each iPad. You cannot find the asset tag anywhere in the iPad operating system or apps and you cannot search for it in Workspace ONE.