1. Help Center
  2. Apple iPads
  3. Apple School Manager (ASM)

Could I create an account for DeSales Media in my school's Apple School Manager?

Yes! We recommend that because it makes another backup account in the event everyone at your school forgets their password. Also, someone at DeSales can update your VPP token when needed, or help you with any issues related to deploying apps.

We need to create an account in @desalesmedia.org for you to use; please send an email to ipads@desalesmedia.org and let us know you would like to create an ASM account for us and we will respond with the details. Once you have it, you can follow these steps:
  1. Login to Apple School Manager.
  2. Click Accounts
  3. Click the Add New Account button (plus-sign icon at the top)
  4. First Name: DeSales
  5. Last Name: Media
  6. Managed Apple ID: asm-XXXX and in the box to the right, select appleid.yourdomain.org (replace the XXXX with the info we email to you)
  7. Role: Administrator
  8. Email Address: asm-XXXX@desalesmedia.org (we will email you with the address)
  9. Click Save
  10. Click on the new account that was just created and then click "Create Sign-In" (on the right side under the name) and choose Email.