Reflect, repent, and renew our relationship with Christ.
Lent is a time of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. It's a 40-day season supported by the three pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending at sundown on Holy Thursday. This is our chance as Catholics to reawaken the gifts of the Holy Spirit by reflecting, repenting, and restoring to wholeness in Him.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Visit a local church near you. Click here to find a parish.
Synod on Synodality
We want to hear from YOU. When Pope Francis approved this Synod, he described this journey as a choir. The harmony of that choir "depends on the symphony of each and every voice."
As part of your Lenten sacrifice this year, consider offering time to share your unique voice, adding your experiences and thoughts about our Church and how we can better journey together in faith. Together, may we walk with one another, listen to one another and hear the voice of God so that we can find harmony in our choir. Join us on this journey toward Christ.
For more information on the Synod:

Lenten Pillar 1:
The first pillar represents our desire to get closer to Our Lord through including prayer into our daily life. There are many ways to increase our prayer-life during Lent, such as dropping into the church for at least 10 minutes, praying the Stations of the Cross on Fridays, or reserving a little time when you wake or before you lay your head down to sleep.
The Stations of the Cross are a way for us to pray and meditate on Christ’s sacrifice for us all. Each station represents events from being condemned to death to His burial in the tomb and eventual Resurrection. This devotion has been long encouraged by the church, especially during Lent and Good Friday. We have linked the prayers and responses for you to follow along and read here.
Reflexión sobre la Oración
Padre Israel Perez explica que el Señor nos invitan a un camino de conversión a comenzar por este ejercicio liberador, profundo y hondo que es de la oración personal.

Lenten Pillar 2:
The second pillar represents the act of penance known as fasting and abstinence. Even though there are actual guidelines for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, we should also consider fasting every day of Lent. As we celebrate this season of preparation for Easter, Bishop Brennan calls attention to Lenten regulations in hopes of assisting the faithful of the Diocese of Brooklyn.
Read more about the Fasting and Lenten Guidelines on the Tablet.
Reflection on Fasting
Father Christopher Bethge discusses fasting as a way to holiness. He calls us to ask ourselves: why do we give up for Lent? We encourage you to watch this reflection and contemplate on that question.
Reflexión sobre el Ayuno
Padre Carlos Velásquez dice que este tiempo cuaresmal es una oportunidad para nosotros para dejar el alimento o las cosas que nos gustan para vaciarnos un poco y dejar que ese vacío se llene de Cristo y de su gracia.
Reflection on Fasting
We look to Father Edmund Brady’s wisdom who shares the importance of biblical fasting, as well as how it can bring incredible joy in the Christian life when we tune into God and tune out the distractions of this world.

Lenten Pillar 3:
The third pillar of Lent represents your charity to those in need. Whether it is donating money, clothes, or food. Performing other acts of charity could involve volunteering your time or time as a family at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Click the button below to find donation opportunities right here in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens.
Reflection on Almsgiving
Father Christopher R. Heanue shares that almsgiving is more than just giving one's finances, but it involves giving of oneself and sharing a part of us. May we all examine our own lives so that we may give with generous hearts.
Reflexión sobre la Limosna
Padre Israel Perez explica la importancia de la limosna y que el acto de caridad debe brotar del corazón del Cristiano en el que se convierte la limosna, debe salir de un encuentro personal con Cristo en la oración.

April 11, 2022
Visit a Catholic church during Lent for the Sacrament of Reconciliation or take advantage of extended Confession time on Reconciliation Monday.
Priests will be available from 2-4pm and 6-9pm for Confessions. For church locations, click here.
Need ideas on how to keep your prayer-life momentum strong throughout the six weeks of the Lenten season? Looking for ways to share your faith on social media?
We have created complimentary and inspirational downloads to help you stay engaged and encouraged in your 2022 Lenten Journey.
Facebook Filters
Let your family & friends know that you are engaging in this spiritual journey to reflect, repent, and renew your relationship with Christ. Click on any of the four images below to automatically overlay these filters onto your Facebook Profile Picture.
Download our exclusive wallpapers on your mobile device or desktop to serve as beautiful reminders of how we can focus our time and energy this Lenten season.
(To download a wallpaper to your mobile device, tap the image and hold onto it until a separate menu pops up, then select "Add to Photos". Once you have pressed this, you can find the image in your photos library and change your phone's background. You can also download from this folder.)

Lent 1

Lent 2

Lent 3

Lent 4

Lent 5

Ash Wednesday 1

Ash Wednesday 2

Palm Sunday 1

Palm Sunday 2

Easter 1

Easter 2

Easter 3
(To download a wallpaper to your desktop computer, select the one image you'd like to download on the carousel, right-click on that image and select "Save image as", and select the destination. You can also download from this folder.)